Wednesday 19 December 2007

New drawings from Paul Foxton
Paul is honing something really quite special now he is back to his art. He was always a gifted draughtsman and these latest drawings have wonderful tonal balance and atmosphere. I really like the landscape quality of this table cloth. I urge you to visit his excellent site.

Sunday 16 December 2007


Since i was ten years old I have suffered from migraines. For a while in my teens I would get on average one attack a week. Then it gradually declined until now I normally get one attack a year. Then last week I suffered eight separate migraines between tuesday and saturday. I have never had such a concentrated cluster of attacks, rather than growing out of this problem I now find I am afflicted as never before.
Each attack proceeds through distinct phases beginning with visual interference known as the aura. This starts as a flickering blindspot somewhere in the field of vision. It slowly grows to form a crescent across my sight, pulsing and flickering in zigzag patterns in my head, superimposed on what I see. Typically this will last an hour and is unpleasant enough to make me have to lie quiet, eyes closed to minimize the disorientation of feeling half-blind. As the visual flickering subsides it is replaced by a full headache originating behind the eyes. My ability with words is impaired and there is a general bluntening of the mind. This continues for a couple of hours and then the end of the attack is signalled by a creeping numbness or tingling across the face and hands.
The doctor has given me some new drugs (zolmitriptan) to switch off any further attacks, results have been inconclusive though i have not relapsed for 4 days now. But I am not yet well. I cannot fully clear my head, my sight is still full of remnants of the aura, especially in the centre of my vision, there are spots before my eyes. Reading is slowed, painting is not possible, I have the tingling around the mouth and finger tips and it will not resolve. I am stuck in a permanent low-migraine and unable to reboot my head. Back to doc tomorrow.

Friday 7 December 2007


For a few years I supported myself by copying the old masters in pastel upon the pavement. The public gave coins and cleared my overdraft. Here I am pictured, summer , 1986 in York, having transcribed the Mona Lisa I ponder the long bus ride north to Middlesbrough, hoping there will be no Stockton detour.

Wednesday 5 December 2007

Tuesday 4 December 2007

The pictures of Skye I finished in october turned out quite well though painted in a short time. It's hard to go wrong with such majestic subject matter but the use of liquitex acrylics is still something I am learning. Nevertheless these subjects need bigger canvases so I am beginning a series of five such pictures in oil this time. Visitors to my website will be able to check my progress on webcam. Otherwise my show at Look Gallery, Helmsley continues through until the new year. The sooner you get there the better chance of seeing the complete show as paintings are being released when sold.