Friday 7 December 2007


For a few years I supported myself by copying the old masters in pastel upon the pavement. The public gave coins and cleared my overdraft. Here I am pictured, summer , 1986 in York, having transcribed the Mona Lisa I ponder the long bus ride north to Middlesbrough, hoping there will be no Stockton detour.

1 comment:

John Cheall said...

My first attempt at working in public was in front of York Minster in 1986. The ancient city was always thronging with tourists in summer and it was within two bus trips of Guisborough. I had seen surprising amounts of money being made by an artist working in pastels, copying the mona lisa on a huge scale. With my old school friend Paul Foxton a plan was hatched to try our hand at something similar. Recognising the need for a popular subject and shamelessly exploiting the public's taste for royal weddings we drew the duke and duchess of York (geddit?). Working from a photo torn from TVTimes it didn't turn out too well, but it was recognisable and the sight of two scruffy punks tackling this subject got some laughs. We made £30 maybe, which was a lot of money in them days.
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